Counseling Services
“These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them. ”
I provide therapy to adults (ages 18+) and specialize in the treatment of trauma and eating disorders. I also work with individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, and relationship concerns.
Areas of Focus
Chronic & Short Term Depression
Fluctuations in Mood
Depression as a Component of Medical Illness or Life Transition
Persistent Worry
Generalized Anxiety
Relationship Concerns
Family, Friendships, Work, and Romantic
Boundary Work and Differentiation
Difficulty Forming Close Relationships
Navigating Relational Strain
Abuse and Neglect
Childhood Trauma
Sexual Trauma
Relationship Trauma
One-time Traumatic Experiences
Eating Disorders
Binge Eating Disorder
Body Dysmorphia
Body Esteem
Relationship with Food
Relationship with Exercise
*I work from a Health At Every Size and Intuitive Eating Framework